The Catalan Ornithological Institute, in order to promote the publication of scientific results in the Catalan Journal of Ornithology (RCO) and encourage scientific writing among its members, grants AWARDS to articles published in this journal.
- The Catalan Ornithological Institute, in order to promote the publication of scientific results, grants one AWARD endowed with 600€ to the published article highlighting especially by its significance, originality or innovation in each volume of the RCO.
- These awards will be in effect from the publication of Issue 21 of the RCO and until the ICO's Board will decide to terminate its concession.
- The jury will consist of 1 member of the Editorial Board of the RCO and 2 external advisors appointed by the Board of the ICO.
- The jury will announce its decision within 2 months after the publication of each new volume of the RCO and will contact the authors of the winning within the same period.
- The jury's decision is final, and the acceptance of these rules by the candidates implies its explicit renunciation to perform any judicial or extrajudicial actions against the jury's decision.
- Along with the resolution, the awarded authors will receive a form of acceptance or rejection, which must be returned completed to the ICO Board within 30 days. If this form is not returned, it is understood that the authors renounce the prize.
- The prize of this award shall be paid within 60 days from receipt of the acceptance form.
- Staff members of the ICO, the Board and any member of the editorial team of the RCO are not eligible for this award.
- The prize may be not awarded, if the jury believe that any of the articles published does not achieve requirements fixed in point 1 of these conditions.
Awarded articles
YEAR 2005
López-Iborra, G., Limiñana, R., Peñarrubia, S.G. & Pinheiro, R.T. Diet of Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita wintering in a wetland in south-east Spain.
YEAR 2006
Rivas, J.M. & Moreno-Rueda, G. Censo detallado de la mayor población de Alondra Ricotí Chersophilus duponti del sur de España.
YEAR 2007
YEAR 2007
Barriocanal, C. & Robson, D. Phenology and body mass dynamics of the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin on the island of Cabrera (Balearic Islands) and in the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (NE Iberian Peninsula) during spring migration.
YEAR 2009
YEAR 2009
Arizaga, J., Galarza, A., Herrero, A., Hidalgo, J. & Aldalur, A. Distribución y tamaño de la población de la Gaviota Patiamarilla Larus michahellis lusitanius en el País Vasco: tres décadas de estudio.