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Catalan Journal of Ornithology


The Catalan Journal of Ornithology (RCO) publishes research articles in ornithology, including also reviews and theoretical papers about any topic in ornithology. This is an open-access journal. We accept articles in English, Spanish or Catalan. The RCO publishes a single annual volume, which is included in the most important bibliographic databases: Google Scholar, Scopus (Elsevier), Zoological Record (Clarivate Analytics), SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank), Dialnet, Latindex, ICYT, i REBUIN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias).

Volumes 1-18 were published as Butlletí del Grup Català d'Anellament.

ISSN 1697-4697 (print version)
ISSN 2340-3764 (on-line version)

Starting with volume 41 (2025) the journal will be published electronically only.


Seu social de l'ICO
Nat- Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Pl. Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5
08019 Barcelona
Dilluns, dimecres i dijous: 9:00h-17:00h.
Dimarts i divendres: 9:00h-15:00h.


Oficina tècnica de l'ICO
Girona 168, Esc.B, Entresol 5a,
08037 Barcelona
+ 34 93 458 78 93 (carrer Girona)
+ 34 93 256 59 91 (Museu Blau)



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