Us podeu descarregar en format PDF els articles que ha produït el Projecte SOCC des dels següents enllaços:
- Herrando, S., Anton, M., Garcia, D. & Brotons, L. 2016. Common bird monitoring scheme in winter in Catalonia (NE Spain): opportuinities and constraints to enlarge our view for farmland bird indicators. Bird Census News 29 (1-2): 23-24.
- Herrando, S. Anton, M., Brotons, L., Guinart, D. 2016. Biodiversity loss for rural abandonment in LTER Montseny measured by bird surveys. Ecosistemas 25 (1): 58-64
- Herrando, S., Brotons, L., Anton, M., Paramo, F., Villero, D., Titeux, N. & Quesada, J. 2016. Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data. Environmental Conservation 43 (1): 69-78.
- Herrando, S, Anton, M., Sardà-Palomera, F., Bota, G., Gregory, R.D, Brotons, L. 2014. Indicators of the impact of land use changes using large-scale bird surveys: Land abandonment in a Mediterranean region. Ecological Indicators 45, 235-244.
- Santos, X., Mateos, E., Bros, V., Brotons, L., De Mas, E., Herraiz, J.A., Herrando, S. Miño, A., Olmo-Vidal, J-M., Quesada, J. Ribes, J., Sabaté, S., Sauras-Yera, T., Serra, A., Vallejo, V-R., Viñolas, A. 2014. Is Response to Fire Influenced by Dietary Specialization and Mobility? A Comparative Study with Multiple Animal Assemblages. PloS one 9 (2), e88224.
- Anton, M., Estrada, J., Herrando, S. 2013. The Red List of Catalan breeding birds (NE Iberian Peninsula) 2012. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia 29, 1-19.
- Le Viol, I., Jiguet, F., Brotons, L. Herrando, S., Lindström, Å, Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Reif, J., van Turnhout, C., Devictor, V. 2012. More and more generalists: two decades of changes in the European avifauna. Biology Letters 8 (5), 780-782.
- Devictor, V. van Swaay, C. Brereton, T. Brotons, L. Chamberlain, D. Heliölä, J. Herrando, S. Julliard, R. Kuussaari, M. Lindström, Å. Reif, J. Roy, D.B. Schweiger, O. Settele, J. Stefanescu, C. Van Strien, A. Van Turnhout, C. Vermouzek, Z. DeVries, M.W. Wynhoff, I. Jiguet, F. 2012. Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt. Nature Climate Change 2 (9), 638-639.
- Devictor, V. van Swaay, C. Brereton, T. Brotons, L. Chamberlain, D. Heliölä, J. Herrando, S. Julliard, R. Kuussaari, M. Lindström, Å. Reif, J. Roy, D.B. Schweiger, O. Settele, J. Stefanescu, C. Van Strien, A. Van Turnhout, C. Vermouzek, Z. DeVries, M.W. Wynhoff, I. Jiguet, F. 2012. Differences in the climatic debts of birds and butterflies at a continental scale. Nature Climate Change. Published online: 10.1038/nclimate1347.
- Brotons, L. Carou, M., Herrando, S. 2012. Aves y mariposas sufren de deuda climática en Europa. Quercus, 56-57.
- Herrando, S., Weiserbs, A., Quesada, J., Ferrer, X., Paquet, J-Y. 2012. Development of urban bird indicators using data from monitoring schemes in two large European cities. Animal biodiversity and conservation 35 (1), 141-150.
- Brotons, L., Herrando, S. 2011. Population estimates: towards standardised protocols as a basis for comparability. Ardeola 58 (2), 365-370.
- Herrando, S., Brotons, L. Estrada, J., Guallar, S., Anton, M. 2011. Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l'hivern 2006-2009. Institut Català d’Ornitologia/Lynx edicions, Barcelona.
- Herrando, S., Llimona, F., Brotons, L., Quesada, J. 2010. A new exotic bird in Europe: recent spread and potential range of Red- billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea in Catalonia (northeast Iberian Peninsula). Bird Study 57 (2), 226-235.
- Herrando, S. 2010. El cambio climático, detrás de los altibajos en aves de Cataluña. Aumentos notables en las poblaciones de especies de ambientes cálidos. Quercus, 60-61.
- Quesada, J., Guallar, S., Pérez-Ruiz, N.J., Estrada, J. & Herrando, S. 2010. Observer error associated with band allocation is negligible in large scale bird monitoring schemes, but how precise is the uses of bands at all?. Ardeola 57: 23-32.
- Herrando, S., Gargallo, G. 2010. The importance of sampling-site data when communicating the results of monitoring schemes: the case of Bird Census News 22, 2-7.
- Anton, M., Herrando, S., Quesada. J. 2009. Do nest-boxes encourage the recovery of bird populations after fire? A field experiment with tits in a Mediterranean forest. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia 25, 1-10. (fitxer PDF, 924Kb)
- Herrando, S. 2009. L’estat de l’avifauna dels espais agrícoles a Catalunya i el cas concret de les Cinc Sènies. L’Atzavara 17, 37-41. (fitxer PDF, 820Kb)
- Herrando, S., Brotons, L., Estrada, J. & Pedrocchi, V. 2008. The Catalan common bird survey (SOCC): a tool to estimate species population numbers. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia 24: 138-146. (fitxer PDF, 816Kb)
- Brotons, L., Herrando, S. 2008. Bird monitoring and spatial modelling of species distribution: an example from the Catalan common bird monitoring scheme. Best Practice Guide for wild bird monitoring Schemes. pp. 98 - 101. JAVA Trebon, Czech Republic.
- Gargallo, G., Herrando, S. 2008. How to design data forms: the case of the Catalan Common Bird Survey. Best Practice Guide for wild bird monitoring Schemes. pp. 79 - 82. JAVA Trebon, Czech Republic.
- Herrando, S., Brotons, L. 2008. When to count: a case study in the Mediterranean Basin. Best Practice Guide for wild bird monitoring Schemes. pp. 63 - 66. JAVA Trebon, Czech Republic.
- Brotons, L, Herrando, S. & Pla, M. 2007. Updating bird species distribution at large spatial scales: applications of habitat modelling to data from long term monitoring programs. Diversity and Distribution 13: 276-288.
- Herrando, S., Estrada, J., Brotons, L. & Guallar, S. 2006. Do common bird winter censuses produce similars results when conducted in the morning and in the afternoon? Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia 22: 14-20.
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