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I am Léa from France and I spend nine months at the Montseny bird station. It was a great experience for me, the main thing is that I learned so much information about birds; the species, their behaviour, their ecology and more. I also acquire other skills like doing census on the field, managing a project, doing citizen science projects, communicating through social media, etc. We participated in many projects, my favourite one was the two week of bird ringing during migration, one week was spent in the Delta de l’Ebre in September, and the other one was in Aiguamolls de l’Empordà during April. I really like the fact that every day on the field was different by catching and ringing different birds’species. During this volunteering, I also loved living and working with people from different countries. It was such a rewarding experience meeting and learning from them and their culture and making new friends with whom I shared a unique adventure. These months have given me the experience that has enabled me to find a job in my field of ornithology and biodiversity protection. I recommend it for anyone looking for a birding experience while discovering a new culture with people from different countries.

My name is Sina Welzel, and I had a great time volunteering in Fontmartina, and I am very thankful for the experience. I was very lucky with the other volunteers I shared my time with. They were amazing, and we got along so well, and I am so happy to have met them. Carles taught me a lot about birds, he is a very patient teacher who is never tired of answering questions. I spent around 5 months in Fontmartina, from March to August, and with the seasons the projects and workload varied. Many projects involve hiking through Montseny’s peaks, so I’ve got to see different areas of the Park. My personal favourite was to learn more in-depth about the identification of birds, especially birds of prey, and the ageing of passerines. I have also learned a lot through living together with people from different countries that I hadn't met before. Fontmartina is in the middle of the Park, so it is quite isolated, bigger cities or nice beaches are about an hour away by car. That can be a bit challenging in the beginning, but I got used to it and I appreciated the silent and peaceful environment around the house so much.

Seu social de l'ICO
Nat- Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Pl. Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5
08019 Barcelona
Dilluns, dimecres i dijous: 9:00h-17:00h.
Dimarts i divendres: 9:00h-15:00h.


Oficina tècnica de l'ICO
Girona 168, Esc.B, Entresol 5a,
08037 Barcelona
+ 34 93 458 78 93 (carrer Girona)
+ 34 93 256 59 91 (Museu Blau)



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