Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the EBCC
- Portada / Cover
- Índex / Index
- Portada interior / Inner cover
- Gregory RD, Özesmi U. Foreword - Presentació
- Vorisek P, Gregory RD, Van Strien AJ, Meyling AG. Population trends of 48 common terrestrial bird species in Europe: results from the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme. pp 4-14.
- Van Turnhout CAM, Willems F, Plate C, van Strien AJ, Teunissen W, van Dijk A, Foppen R. Monitoring common and scarce breeding birds in the Netherlands: applying a post-hoc stratification and weighting procedures to obtain less biased population trends. pp 15-29.
- Aebischer NJ, Baines D. Monitoring gamebird abundance and productivity in the UK: The GWCT long-term datasets. pp 30-43.
- Ferrand Y, Gossmann F, Bastat C, Guénézan M. Monitoring of the wintering and breeding Woodcock populations in France. pp 44-52.
- Aunins A, Priednieks J. Ten years of farmland bird monitoring in Latvia: population changes 1995-2004. pp 53-64.
- Mischenko A. Corncrake Crex crex monitoring in European Russia in 2002-2003: a pilot study. pp 65-70.
- Avilova KV. Number of waterfowl wintering in Moscow (1985-2004): dependence on climate conditions. pp 71-78.
- Boldreghini P, Dall'Alpi A. Measuring the abundance and diversity of a waterbird community: numbers or biomass?. pp 79-87.
- Sierdsema H, van Loon EE. Filling the gaps: using count survey data to predict bird density distribution patterns and estimate population sizes. pp 88-99.
- Kerus V, Racinskis E. The second Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 2000-2004: preliminary results. pp 100-106.
- Newson SE, Noble DG. The Breeding Bird Survey for mapping Britain's birds: A preliminary assessment of performance at two spatial scales. pp 107-117.
- Brotons L, Herrando S, Estrada J, Pedrocchi V, Martin JL. The Catalan Breeding Bird Atlas (CBBA): methodological aspects and ecological implications. pp 118-137.
- Herrando S, Brotons L, Estrada J, Pedrocchi V. The Catalan Common Bird Survey (SOCC): a tool to estimate species population numbers. pp 138-146.